11-27-18 Meeting

South Euclid Community Center
 Welcome: Avery, President
  • Hope all had a great Thanksgiving

 Pledge of Allegiance
Elected Officials:

  • Precinct Leaders
    • Laura 
    • Madelon
    • Curtis
Last meeting: Audio of October meeting is on website due to the close proximity to the November 2018 election.

Next Meeting: 
  • December meeting is canceled
  • January will be a potluck celebration. Please comment below with dish you will be bringing.
Old Business:
  • Bylaws: They are almost finalized and updated by Ruth Gray and Avery McCauley. Will be available at the January meeting
  • Fundraising: Need to be more visible at county and state Dem functions. Would like to support members if they decide to run for office. Greg Moore and Denise Turner are working to put together opportunities. 
New Business:
  • Stonewall Democrats meeting: Avery attended and received some hand outs. Pictures of handouts are attached. You can click on the picture to make it larger to see.
    • How did Sherrod Brown get elected but Ohio ended up with a Republican stated house. 
    • 2018 is over but we need to look forward to 2019 and 2020
    • Round of applause for 2018 because the turn out for this election was historical for a midterm in the county and we delivered for the Dems. 
    • Early voter turn out was amazing 
    • High engagement for a midterm; call banking & door knocking.
    • Can handout flier or card that says "The South Euclid Democrats Thanks You For Voting." It reminds people to stay engaged and may bring in more members. 
  • Guest Speakers
    • Open for suggestions
    • Can email or message on facebook and we will work on getting the speaker in.
  • Democratic survey
    • Received in mail a survey but included an ask for a donation. The party should be interested in members opinions with out asking for money
  • Announcements:
    • Move to Amend: May 2 at Council Chambers at City Hall, 630pm
    • Avery has a local "entertainment" book for a local charity for sale. See her for details.
  • Aisha Fraser vigil at Shaker Hts school
    • South Euclid nuisance ordinance: now makes exceptions for domestic violence victims.
  • Moment of silence for domestic violence


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