07-31-18 Meeting

South Euclid Democratic Meeting
South Euclid Community Center

Prior to the meeting the precinct committee members met to elect:
City Leader: 
    • Jason Russell
Elected Executive Committee members:
    • Sunny Simon
    • Curtis Orr
    • Dennis Fiorelli
    • Greg Moore
    • Marty Gelfand
    • Jason Russell
    • Anthony Hollins
    • Shawn Wise
    • Denise Turner
*things went fast. If I have the list wrong please let me know.  
Cindy Dempsey:
    • Asking for people to help phone bank and knock doors or host house parties. 
      • IF interested in hosting a house party they can send surrogates to talk and   literature to hand out.

Deborah Turner:
    • running for Judge of Common Pleas
    • From Before Heights, native Clevelander
    • 18 years in private practice
      • family
      • probation
      • divorce 
    • Bachelor and masters from CSU
    • Law degree form Cleveland Marshall
    • Former teacher in Cleveland Heights and Warrensville Heights
    • Wants to offer the people her wide breadth of knowledge that he can pull from
      • Greg Moore, Mayor Welo, and Avery McCauley voice support and that she has a heart for the community
Kim Thomas (Cuyahoga County Democratic Party):
    • Wants to increase minority engagement
    • There will be a coordinated campaign for all Dems on the Nov ballot
    • Field organizer, provide packet
    • Get out the votes not only on election day but also for early voting
    • High schoolers: Marcia Fudge and others will adopt high schoolers to get seniors and those that will be 18 in Nov to get registered.
    • Need to have literature early for early voting
    • Party has a tracker system to allow follow up for people how have said they requested a mail in ballot or to vote early
    • All cities get info on how may voters each city needs to deliver.
    • There needs to be door hangers that remind people to vote on election day

Armond Budish, County Executive
    • This year, Ohio Democrats are sending out absentee ballot requests to Democratic voters
    • The county is sending absentee ballot requests to those that vote democrat 25-70% time,  this would include independent voters. 
    • Things are going well in the county
    • reappraisal of houses in the county, South Euclid saw an average increase of 12% but it ranged from 3-25%
    • City Website to track properties?
Derek Bumgardner, Area field organizer
    • 216-212-8565
    • covers South Euclid, Euclid, Richmond Heights
    • Several phone banking opportunities, Mondays 6-8pm at Dunkin Donut on Mayfield/Belvoir
    • If interested in canvassing, he can get you packets
    • If you want to do an event, such a house party let Derek know and he can help get it staffed.

Update on S.E. club officer elections:
    • Ruth Grey is heading committee to review, amend and streamline by laws and making sure we follow for our election in late November

Fundraiser: would like to do a fish fry but we are looking for a facility to hold it. 

Voter purging: 

Moment of silence for the tragedies hitting the streets of Cleveland


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