
South Euclid Democrats Club
June 26, 2018
Rock the Block, 2018

Introduction of Elected officials

  • Greg Moore
  • Madelon Wats
  • Denise Turner
  • Laura Smith
  • Curtis Orr
  • Marty Gelfand
  • Ruth Gray
Move to proceed with out quorum but all in room are paid. 

  • seconded, passed
Introduce Candidates

  • President - Avery MacCualey
  • Vice President - Curtis Orr
  • Treasurer - Denise Turner
  • Secretary - Laura Smith
Greg Moore makes motion to carry floor as written
Curtis Seconds
So moved
Thanks from newly elected officers

The new officers are to schedule a meeting to go over goals for the next year and to bring back to the club in July.

Che from Ohio Coordinated Campaign 

  • Election of Brown is the primary goal
  • Will support all democrats up and down the ballot
  • Desperately need to increase the volunteer base and to bring in younger volunteers
  • Che covers South Euclid, Lyndhurst, and East Cleveland
  • Need all hands on deck to make phone calls and knock doors
  • Need to reach out to East Cleveland and other areas that have been heavily purged to reregister voters
  • We can organize our own canvass/phone bank
  • We did and held it July 7 at Fawaky Burst
  • Will be given walk list, short script, ballot applications and candidate lit.
  • Need to bring in precinct committee people and have them bring in a volunteer

City Leader elections will be held in late July

Ruth Gray raised concerns over Club elections

  • Were the guidelines changed?
  • Notice of elections was supposed to be mailed
    • numerous emails were sent
  • every person that wants to be a nominee needs to write a statement for the position
  • Stated she has not been receiving emails

Marty Gelfand

  • Made motion to leave officers as is and then hold new/true elections 
  • Madelon Watts, seconded
  • Greg Moore, opposed.
  • Motion passed

Next meeting July 31

Cynthia Dempsey, chair of the Cuyahoga Women’s caucus, will speak in promotion for Sherrod Brown. 

A point of business:
Please add secretarysedemocraticclub@gmail.com to your email address and send email so that we can determine who is or is not receiving emails. 


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