
1-30-18, 6:30pm
South Euclid Democratic Club meeting
Facebook: @SouthEuclidDem
Twitter: SouthEuclidDems
email: secretarysedemocraticclub@gmail.com
Website: sootheucliddemocrats.com

Pledge of Allegiance 

March Elections:
Need to elect vice president and will need a quorum to do so
If interested, please let an officer know
Roberts Rules: Do we think we need a sergeant at arms?
If we grow in volume it will help to keep order
Dues are due, $5 for the year.

We would like to form committees to increase visibility and asking for volunteers:
Fundraising Committee: raise money to allow officers/members to attend non-local meetings (Denise Turner and Al Foster)
-pancake breakfast
-spaghetti dinner
-Bake Sale, at meetings with high profile speakers
Program Committee: group of 3 or 4 people to plan activities and speakers
-Mr Gelfand will try to recruit Mr Kucinich for February/March meeting
-possibility of CCPC coming to talk to club; Steve Holenko
-Member from SURJ, yvonka hall
-March for science in March
Community out reach: Try to bring in more community members and younger democrats (Sara C and Chuck)
-Precinct committee persons, formal invite to all to attend meeting
-Can we set up a booth at City Concert series at Bexley Park?
-Notre Dame College
-Young Democrats
-Young Black Democrats
-Brush High, community service hours
-John Carroll
-try to reach out and invite CCPC to meetings
-Touch base with Democratic party of Cuyahoga or Ohio to determine if we can ID democrats in our area and cost of reaching out to them (VoteBuilder or CBE)
-ID community members that would like to run for office and try to set up mentoring program
Committees will meet outside of the regular monthly meetings and give updates at monthly club meetings. 

Think about toy drive or special donation for Toys for Tots this coming holiday. 
The use of Skype for speakers in the future.

Candidates for Judge in attendance:
Karrie Howard
Andy Santoli
Andrea Nelson Moore

Prayer for Benton Kentucky and fire victims in Collingwood


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