
South Euclid Democratic Club 
November 28, 2017 meeting

Welcome: Avery hoped that all had a great Thanksgiving
Pledge of Allegiance 
Introductions: Favorite Christmas gift as a child. Answers ranged from Annnie Oakley, to a    telescope, to a red rider BB gun
Elected Officials: 
  • Marty Gelfand, SE city councilperson at large
  • Armond Budish, county executive
  • Chris Glass, North Olmstead councilperson elect

Vice Presidency Vacancy: Election postponed till January meeting

Precinct Committee Members: “who are our voters.”
  • 2018 election is critical, mid term election in which we need to drive out the vote and get people involved and participating in the process.
  • Send out letter to welcome democrats to the neighborhood and inviting them to our meetings. 
  • Bring in all precinct committee people to discuss getting each voter in their precincts involved in the upcoming election and in the club.
  • Precinct committee election in May primary. A person can run by getting petitions at the County Board of Elections. They need to be signed by 5-15 registered voters in your precinct. 
  • Register/reregister people in each precinct as Democrats.

Democratic Club Meeting with Surrounding Clubs:
  • Need volunteers to help in organizing a large meeting between surrounding Democratic Clubs (Lyndhurst, Cleveland Heights, Shaker Heights, University Heights, etc).
  • Need to form a committee.  

Fundraising Committee: 
  • To allow for representation in community and in the democratic party. Looking for volunteers or someone to head the committee. We need representation at local, county, and state level. Any one interested please let club know. 

Vote Builder:
  • Can request from county party own vote builder account as a club. Online data management tool that the state Dem party and local candidates use. Lets you build lists of people that have voted in the last 3 democratic primaries. You can also execute robo-calls through vote builder.  

Upcoming events: 
  • Kenny Yuko town hall event on the opioid crisis. South Euclid-Lyndhurst library December 12, 6-830pm. 
  • Member brought up idea to put an ad or a short statement in the South Euclid magazine
  • Swearing in ceremony: 
    • For Judge Gayle Williams-Beyers, Garfield Memorial Church Dec 16 2pm
    • City council, January 4th at 6pm City Hall
  • Toys for Tots box at Coffee Phix, unwrapped and new.
    • Motion and approved to donate $100 in new toys for Toys for Tots. Denise and Avery will shop.
  • December Club meeting has been canceled. Possible holiday party for next December meeting.
  • January meeting, on the 30th. 

Candidates for election in 2018:

Membership applications

Moment of silence for recent 12 yo child death. 

Meeting adjourned 


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