10-24-17 Meeting: Issues 1 and 2 and City Council Candidates

South Euclid Democratic Club Meeting

1. Welcome

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Introduction of Members and Guests (skipped)

4. Introduction of Elected Officials
-Kenny Yuko: State Senator
- Jane Goodman: Ward four City Council

5. Guest Speaker: Kenny Yuko, What to do about issues 1 and 2:
Senate Minority leader, has attended meeting all over Ohio to speak on issues in Ohio. Oped in plain dealer on Gun industry, Cuyahoga county praised the oped but those in Lake county were not happy. League of women voters has done a tremendous job on redistricting. This lead to Senate President calling Senator Yuko to help set up a think tank on congressional redistricting. Jack Cera from the House and Vernon Sykes from the Senate will represent Democrats. Democrats want the talks to be on Government TV for transparency. 

Issue 1: Tough issue, Marsy’s law. Senator Yuko tends to govern with the heart and was leaning for the issue. However, we already have laws in the state and the accused is innocent until proven guilty and can not trample on the rights of the accused. ACLU and Ohio Prosecutors Association point out that many of the rights in in the issue are already in law but are not being enforced. If issue 1 is passed there is no guarantee that they would then be enforced any better. In 1994 the crime victims bill of rights was added to the Ohio constitution. Issue 1 will override judges ability to weigh the rights of victims and defendants. Issue 1 would allow victims to directly file an appeal stepping over prosecutors decisions. victims would also be able to refuse to be interviewed or turn over pertinent evidence or testimony.

Issue 2: Has sat down with both opponents and proponents and has found both to be equally convincing. There is no clear cut answer. Can’t guarantee anything, that Vet’s aren’t going to pay more, that everyone else is not going to pay a whole lot more. Only one winner in this situation: big pharma. The way the Issue is written it would allow challenges from only one law firm. Michael Weinstein is the main backer of Issue 2. He also tried to get the same ballot initiative passed in California, it failed. Issue 2 gives the 4 petitioners the right to intervene in any legal challenge with Ohio picking up the tab.  

Touched on gun laws, candidates for governor, and court regionalization.

Town hall meeting December 12 at the Lyndhurst-South Euclid Library 6-8pm. 

6. Candidates for City Council
A) Sara Continenza, ward 3: Democratic party endorsed candidate. Graduate of Ohio State and former Peace Corp volunteer. Has Master’s in Public Administration from Cleveland State. Moved to South Euclid in 2011 and loves the diversity in our community. Started the Bexley neighborhood site on Nextdoor.com. Secretary of the board for One South Euclid allowing her to understand the community resources available. She attends City Council Meetings and manages the Bexley Community Group. Believes we should do more listening to community members. She has no personal agenda but the communities. Wants to elevate community voices, expand youth recreation, direct engagement of youth. “You are in the drivers seat and I will help you get to where you need to go.” Wants to look into shared basketball courts, opening a skate park and active living grants. Believes youth need a sense of ownership over their community and civic engagement. Believes in fostering local businesses on Mayfield Road. Would like to see more sit down dinner places. Increasing block groups/parties helping people to know their neighbors. 

B) Curtis Orr, ward 3: Not Present

C) Ruth Gray, ward 1: Not Present

D) Jane Goodman, ward 4: Democratic party endorsed candidate. Current President of City Council and has gotten council people to work more collaboratively. She is currently working to get the anti-discrimination code up to date and comprehensive. City needs long term financial plan so we are no longer just reacting to cuts but being proactive and adaptive. Police and fire have personal challenges in getting people to apply for the job openings. Looking into ways of collecting delinquent fines and property taxes, which are used to pay for schools and safety services. Only environmental professional on city council (runs non-profit that cleans up Cuyahoga water ways) as city council works through the pesticide use on areas in which children play issue. Serves on the National League of Cities, talks to mayors and council people from cities all over about the effects of the federal budget on cities and people, ex: state and local tax deduction, and the mortgage interest deduction. Works on your behalf to fix problems in peoples lives. 

E) Lisa Longino, ward 4: 39 year democrat. Bachelors and masters degree in education, pursuing a Doctorate in Urban Education. Violence committed by youth is a systemic problem because they do not have things they can do at home or in the neighborhood. Mentored by congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. Project alert certified. Has met with Mike Dewine on his Ideas in Motion conference on the opioid epidemic. Sat on the Ohio Range finding committee to find ways to educate all students of all ethnicities. Sat on the NAACP Education committee. Parishioner and coach at St Gregory the Great. Volunteer tutor. Sel-Rec basketball and soccer coach. Here for the people and plans on fighting and advocating for you. A champion for your initiative. Got into the race because people came to her about the youth, their problems, and hard times, and wants to help them on city council. 

7. Pending Business: Left for next meeting on 11-28-17, 630pm at the Community Center
A) Vice President Vacancy
B) Precinct Committee Members: Who are your voters
C) Fundraiser Committee 

D) Building S.E.D.C. Base


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