10-3-17 meeting

South Euclid Democratic Club
October 3, 2017

Pledge of Allegiance
Introduction of members/guests
    • Browns superbowl predictions: Ranged from Hell freezes over to this year to 2022.5
Indroduction of Elected Officials:
    • Jason Russel
    • Marty Gelfand
    • Gayle Williams-Byers
    • Dennis Fiorelli
Candidates for Judge of South Euclid
Marty Gelfand (Candidate): 
    • 6years in Navy
    • City Councilman at large, 2012
    • 2014 Charter review commission
    • 2006 Democratic executive committee 
    • 2008 precinct committee
    • Democratic City Leader
    • 20 years as an attorney
      • Most of the time as Congressman Dennis Kucinich senior in house counsel
        • Helped negotiate a change in train plan 
        • Saved blast furnace at LTB steel, blocking bankruptcy 
        • Saved Richmond Hts hospital in state and federal court
        • Kept St Michaels hospital open an extra 3 years
    • In 2012 started own law practice
      • Criminal and civil protection orders, Custody cases, and juvenile courts
      • Does not practice in South Euclid because he serves on City Council (conflict of interest)
    • What he wants to bring to the South Euclid court:
      • Defendants informed in decisions of their constitutional rights and what pleas would mean for their future
      • Will take in to consideration the community when sentencing 
    • Would like to start a veterans docket
    • Work with organizations for job and re-entry from jail/prison.
    • Domestic violence docket, local department of peace
    • Would like to keep the court on time and ask lawyers and clients to be time.
    • Think regionally: State has reduced the money to local municipals, he has been on city council and understands the budget constraints. Would explore the possibility of merging SE court with a neighboring court, such as Euclid or Cleveland Heights.
    • Would engage in a community dialogue about regional court system

Judge Gail Williams-Byers (Incumbent)
    • 15yrs South Euclid resident, native of east Cleveland
    • Lifelong Democrat
    • Undergrad, Law school and grad school at Case Western
      • Masters from Weatherhead School of Business in non-profits
    • Cuyahoga county prosecutors office
      • Family and child services
      • Juvenile court
      • General Felony
      • Prosecutor supervisor: oversaw the Anthony Sowell case
    • 2012 elected South Euclid Judge in 2012
    • in 2012 had a 5 point plan for the court:
      • Update techonolgy
        • court employees had no email: now they do
        • Court had no way to pay fines online: now we do
        • Wrote grants for $100,000 to expand tech and bandwidth 
      • Responsible to Community
        • Defendants should do community service in SE if crime is in SE (helped in the library move)
      • Night court: for people with inflexible jobs 4th Thursday of the month court stays open late at no extra cost to the city as it is closed the following Friday.
      • Mental Health and Addiction docket: Only municipal court to have this special docket. 
        • court received grant dollars to open 
        • pilot program for suburban court program, Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
          • $975,000 originally and has been re-upped to 3mil
          • Helps addicts in court to gain access to treatment
          • All of Cuyahoga now able to refer to Suburban Drug Court
          • East CLE able to refer defendants to SE mental health court
      • Received grant that funded 80% for cameras for Muni building and parking.
    • Looking to start a rapid response team: EMT, social workers, medics, service providers sent with police to calls that involve drug use or people in episodic states to assist in de-escalation.
    • Vets currently have a special court liaison that is a vet themselves.
    • Access to neighboring special court dockets
      • Human trafficing docket, domestic violence docket, Veterans docket, drug court.
    • 2014 attended Las Vegas conference, visited a self help center that provides access to attorneys, paralegals, and guidance for self representing defendants. Has written a grant to start but has yet to receive funding. 
    • court should be there to serve the community in fair justice not as an ATM to pad budgets of the city

  • Sue Dean: League of Women Voters
    • Non-partisan and trying to recruit east side volunteers for gerrymandering petitions 
    • Districts are drawn to favor 1 party over the other. 
    • Ohio is one of the 7 worst states in nation
    • New ballot proposal creates bipartisan committee to redraw lines in 2020.
      • 7 person commission 
      • party make up is based on last percentages during an election.
        • for instance if 70% of voters voted Republican, 70% of the commission would be from the republican party.
      • contains provisions to limit the number of times communities, cities, and counties can be split.
    • Gerrymandering effects roads, schools and funding.
    • Ohio needs 305,000 verified signatures
    • Cuyahoga county needs 17,000 more signatures 
    • Goal is to have proposal on the 2018 ballot
    • Proposal resembles gerrymandering initiative that passed for state legislature in 2012(?)
      • This is for Federal legislature

  • Andy Santoli, major trial unit for prosecutors office, running for common pleas court 2018
  • Jennifer O’Malley, Assistant Cuyahoga county prosecutor, running for juvenile court 2018

    • Vice Presidency vacancy
    • Building S.E.D.C base, precinct people to get list of Dem voters for Club to knock doors to bring in members
    • Fundraiser to help send members to Columbus or DC to voice community concerns
    • Someone voiced the opinion that meetings should be during the day to allow seniors to attend. 


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