7-25-17 Tri-C and Guns before God

Cover of Cuyahoga Community College Fifty Years Book

South Euclid Democratic Club
7-25-17, SE Community Center

1. Welcome, Marty Gelfand

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Elected Officials and Candidates:

    Cuyahoga Community College Fifty Years Book
    • Pablo Castro: running for CLE court of common pleas
    • William Vodrey: running for CLE court of common pleas
    • Jodi Sourini: running for UH school board
    • Karrie Howard: running for CLE court of common pleas
    • Curtis orr: running for SE city council ward 3
    • Sara Continenza: running for SE city council ward 3
Cuyahoga Community College Fifty Years Book

4. Cuyahoga Community College, Marvin Richards

    Cuyahoga Community College Fifty Years Book
    • Kent State was only affordable public college in area in 1960
      • Tax payers came together for TriC
    • Metro Campus in 1970
    • Has 50,000 students but also 8,000 K-12 students
    • Offers non-degree and vocational studies
      • Encore 55+, program for 55+yo with special classes
      • Program 60, for 60+yo tuition free provided space is available (other restrictions)
      • Offers a veterans program
    • 85% of graduates stay in Cuyahoga County
    • Currently has aging infrastructure--> Capital bond levy to improve facilities 
      • $1.50 per 100,000 in property value per month
      • Renovation of existing buildings and to update science labs

5. God Before Guns, Rev. Kris Eggert

Speakers Rev. Kris Eggert and Mr. David Eggert
  • Started in 2013 in the wake of Sandy Hook shootings
  • Believe guns should not have the status that they do in our country
  • God before Guns is a multi-faith organization
  • This past June they marched across Carnegie bridge and held a rally at Market Square Park Where they read the names of 31 children lost to gun violence this year
  • They lend their voices in opposition or support of gun laws at the state house or congress
  • They provide educational opportunities to inform people about gun violence
  • October 1st will hold a symposium at the Church of the Covenant 
    • Gun violence: Our War at Home
    • Ways to prevent, intervene, and heal

6. Ohioans for Gun Safety, Mr. David Eggert

  • Noticed there were a number of gun safety groups but that they did not work together, this group tries to get the Ohio groups to work together.
  • Background check loopholes: not required for private sales. However, there is 80-90% support for background checks for all sales
  • 19 states passed expanded background checks through legislation or ballot initiatives 
  • Gun violence is effected in states that have passed universal background checks 
    • Private sales decreased and the price of guns increased
  • This group is starting a project for grassroots initiative for common sense background checks for the ballot in 2018 or 2020

7. New Business/Old Business

  • Michelle Cook: Youth Symposium 2018
    • 6mths or so reaching out and getting support from youth in an attempts to bring young Democrats into the club. Possible out reach to Notre Dame Young Dems (Having a meeting on campus?)


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