5-30-17: ODP Chair David Pepper

South Euclid Democratic Club Meeting
06-30-17, South Euclid Community Center

  1. Welcome, Marty Gelfand
  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  1. Elected Officials and Candidates
    • Retanio Rucker, Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court
    • William Vodrey, Cleveland Municipal Court
    • Andy Santoli, Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Office
    • Georgine Welo, South Euclid Mayor
    • Kenneth Atchinson, South Euclid Ward One Candidate
    • Jason Russell, SE city Council
    • Kenny Yuko, Ohio senate district 25
    • Patricia Blochowiak, East Cleveland school board
    • Larry Diemand, running for congress district 14
    • Sunny Simon, County Council
    • Gayle Williams-Byers, SE Judge
    • Marcus Epps, Euclid City council
    • Andrea Nelson Moore, running for judge? 
    • Laura Thompson, Lyndhurst City Council candidate Lyndhurst Democratic Party President
  1. Introductions, all in attendance stated names and residences
  1. Guest Speaker, Ohio Democratic Party Chairman David Pepper
    • 2016 Presidential election; collective responsibility, no simple explanation, it is complex and multi-faceted.
    • Russian interference; demand a deep and true investigation, more for national sovereignty than for blame.
    • Voter behavior: 
      • 2012-70.5% voter turnout, Dems carried 17 counties and 46 counties by more than 40%
      • 2016-71.5% voter turnout, Dems carried 8 counties and only 13 by more than 40%
      • Cuyahoga county was slightly less democratic in 2016 than in 2012. 
      • The 3 largest Democratic counties (Cuyahoga, Franklin, Hamilton) had similar numbers from 2012 to 2016 whereas the 2 largest republican counties (Delaware, Warren) had a decrease from 2012 to 2016.
      • The GOP outperformed the DNC in the smallest 50 counties. In  2012 Cuyahoga county was able to cover the loss in these counties but wasn’t able to in 2016. 
        • +95118 GOP
        • -115,707 DNC
    • This was the pattern seen in many of the midwest states: a surge in the smaller counties that large cities were unable to cover.
    • National Landscape:
      • Industrial midwest wave of GOP voting along the Ohio River
      • People wanted change and saw Trump as that change whereas Clinton was the status quo. Democrats did not have a clear economic plan. 
      • Voter Suppression also play role, Voter purge in Ohio led to 200,000 struck from Ohio voter rolls. 
        • Number of actual votes decreased despite increased voter turnout percentage 
          • Current supreme court case, Husted v A. Philip Randolph Institute: will review how a name can be removed from voting list
    • Server Gate
      • Caused late deciders to go with Trump by 5 points
      • Analysts believe it was a direct result of Comey announcement 
      • Clinton was constantly fighting email controversy and had a hard time getting her message out. 
    • Strategy and Tactics
      • Division of Labor
      • Ground game does matter, but in 2016 it was not put to good use
      • Do political advocacy instead of voter registration, let non-profits do the voter registrations
      • Registering voters did not leave enough time to reach undecided voters via door to door
      • 2016 had no persuasive canvassing, only on TV and Direct mail.
      • Need an 88 county strategy in 2018
      • ODP, raised own money and tried to do persuasive canvassing in fall of 2016 and did own minority engagement 
      • Dems rarely vote down ticket, especially for judges. ODP will do state wide sample ballots with judges and supreme court. Asking Democratic candidates to include “vote for Judge1 and Judge 2” on mailers.
      • Main street initiative, ODP boot camp on how to run for office.
      • Diverse Candidates: Aftab Pureval, Tibetan/Indian. Hamilton County Clerk of Courts
    • What Now
      • Independents like balance
      • New Energy, started first day after the election, building since President Trump’s EOs
      • Obama’s data on who was involved with the campaign was never shared with party
        • Clinton campaign has given Party information on campaign volunteers for use in future elections
      • Combine digital activism with political activism to hold republicans accountable
      • ODP Truth Team, in every district. 
        • Partners with other advocacy groups to rally participants to swell events and increase press coverage. 
      • ODP is building now for 2018 elections, need neighborhood team leaders. 
      • Large increase in people who want to run for office

    • 2018
      • Sherrod Brown
      • Govenor: Betty sutton, Connie Pillich, Nan Whaley, Nina Turner?, Joe Schiavoni, Rich Cordray, Jay Williams, David Leland?, Kathleen Clyde, Zach Space, 
      • Chase Ritenauer, auditor?
      • Strong down ticket for 2018
      • Party of change, first time since 2006
      • Kasich= fend for your self localism
      • In 2010 under Strickland Ohio schools was ranked 5th in nation now 22nd
      • Heroin epidemic, Ohio #1 in country for overdose deaths. Why? Cities, front line in dealing with it, have had money taken from them making them cut counseling and drug prevention. 
      • Dems have Vetting committee for 2018
      • Kitchen table convos through out Ohio with people that are not that involved in politics.
      • Gerrymandering, Fair Districts Ohio, petitions now being signed for inclusion on the 2017 ballots. 
        • Text 90975 the word “fair” fill in zip code signature pledge. You will receive info on how to get involved in petition signing.


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