April 25, 2017 Meeting

April 25, 2017
south Euclid Community Center

  1. Welcome-Marty Gelfand
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Introductions: name, street, what we would like to see for 2017/2018
    • pollinator gardens, community involvement, grassroots effectiveness, growth of club,  disability access,  pedestrian walkway to Euclid Creek Parkway from east off of Mcfarland drive (use of sewer district land), visible unity of municipality, ward involvement in club, committees for voter education, identify candidates and civic duties,  youth engagement
  4. Democratic Club
    • Introduce 2017/2018 officers
      • Avery, VP. Would like to see an increase in diversity, South Euclid recognized on the State and National level by voter turn out, active involvement.
      • Denise, Treasurer. Application forms and payments, club growth, balance $794.63.
      • Laura, Secretary. New Website, email, and social media
        • Twitter: @SouthEuclidDems
        • Facebook: South Euclid Democrats
        • Website: ?
    • Upcoming Events
      • Democracy day, Madelon. May 9, 630pm City Hall. Public hearing on citizens United.
      • Memorial Day Parade: Denise has the banner and needs volunteers to walk. Starts 8am on Maywood 
      • Rock the Block: June 24, several have volunteered. Sara will bring a tent.
      • Possible Fundraisers. Pancake breakfast or T-shirt campaign.
  5. Guest Speaker: The Honorable Trevor Elkins, Mayor of Newburgh Heights
    • All movements start at the precinct level, in neighborhoods. The more people you know  in your neighborhood the easier it will be to recruit them. 
    • Volunteer at community events, not necessarily political
    • Vote Builder?
    • The election in 2018 will set the board for next 10 years, redistricting
    • When knocking on doors, focus on local issues
    • Bring friends to meetings
    • Have small house parties with people running for office
    • May get younger people involved
    • Get to know affinity groups
    • Audience:
      • Knock doors and ask what they need instead of asking can you do this
      • Mentoring of possible new candidates
      • She should run
      • Good neighbors are the best defense on crime
      • next-door.com
      • voter registration for new neighbors moving in
      • Make annual clean up day a social event
  6. Old Business
    • Ideas for speakers and meeting agendas
      • Happy Hours
      • Training for doors, phones, speaking so others listen
      • Form a Committee to come up with ideas for community involvement 
        • Michelle Cook
        • Carmen
        • Angie
  7. New Business
    • Municipal court
      • While city is merging safety services why not look into merging Muni court
      • 5/2 resolution to look into merging Muni Court with neighbor city, meaning that we investigate the possible merger of our court with those of Cleveland, Cleveland Heights, Euclid, Lyndhurst, and/or Shaker Heights or alternatively any of those courts merging into the South Euclid Municipal Court Jurisdiction.
      • Court is losing money
      • Judge has night court, mental health court, city cleanup; Understands the needs of South Euclid
      • A lot of people were not happy, would like to see 3 town halls on Saturdays just for the court 
      • Can we open this up to a city vote?
      • Can we put more emphasis on merging with a city with similar demographics as South Euclid, like Cleveland Heights?
      • City Council will be having public meetings about the finances through June
        • What we have
        • What we Spend
        • How city and voters want it spent
Next Meeting May 30th, 6:30pm South Euclid Community Center


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